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Restrictions on the possibility of refunding the purchase

Restrictions on the possibility of withdrawing from the purchase contract according to §1829 according to Act No. 89/2012 for Electrical equipment

Warning electrical equipment

This product belongs to the group Spare parts of an electrical nature for Reserved technical devices, which must be installed exclusively by a person with professional competence to perform such activities according to the Act on occupational safety in connection with the operation of reserved technical devices and on the amendment of related laws No. 250/2021.

If you decide to use your right to withdraw from the purchase contract according to §1829 - §1837 of the Civil Code for the product(s) of the Spare part of an electrical nature group, it is necessary to provide the following documents with the returned goods:

A) Service protocol (correction certificate) for the performed activity, which will contain at least the following data

1. Identification of the natural or legal person who performed the exchange, incl. residential or registered address and contact details

2. Model and serial number of the appliance on which the activity was performed

3. Date(s) and description of individual activity steps

4. Measured values of voltage, current, resistance and insulation resistance on the repaired appliance before and after replacing the spare part in question

5. The price that was charged for the performed activity

B) A copy of the document on the successful completion of the professional competence test for the performance of this activity by the person who performed the activity

C) Affidavit of the person who performed the activity on the buyer's electrical device, that he personally tested the returned product and is fully morally and materially responsible for its functionality and safety until the moment the product is taken over by the seller.

Without supporting these documents, the value of the returned goods will be significantly reduced, as it will not be possible to verify its current condition and it will become dangerous for any further use. The returned item(s) will be disposed of at the seller's expense after a period of 2 weeks from the delivery of the email informing you of the result of your request to Withdraw from the purchase contract with the title Status of your request has been changed - Closed. Until then, it is possible to request that the product(s) in question be sent back to your address.


The basis of these measures in the laws of the Czech Republic:

A. Section 19 of Act No. 250/2021 Coll.

Professional competence to perform the activities of persons performing maintenance and work on electrical equipment without voltage, near electrical equipment under voltage and on electrical equipment under voltage

(1) For the purpose of the professional competence to perform the activities of persons performing maintenance and work on electrical equipment without voltage, near electrical equipment under voltage and on electrical equipment under voltage, we distinguish between knowledgeable persons, instructed persons and trained (acquainted) persons who are neither knowledgeable nor instructed and are trained in the sense of another legal regulation7). Knowledgeable persons are considered to be persons for independent work, persons for activity management and audit technicians. The professional competence of inspection technicians and its acquisition is determined by § 11.

(2) A person knowledgeable about independent activity and a person knowledgeable about activity management

a) is required to meet the following prerequisites for professional competence:

1. reaching the age of 18 and full autonomy,

2. medical fitness for the activities performed,

3. professional education in the electrical engineering field or completed education in another field, which in terms of content meets the requirements for an electrical engineering education, or proof of successful completion of the examination for the relevant full professional qualification published in the National System of Qualifications under the qualification field "Electrical engineering, telecommunications and computer technology" according to of another legal regulation8); in the case of a person with knowledge for self-employment, a professional qualification published in the National System of Qualifications under the qualification field "Electrical engineering, telecommunications and computer technology" according to another legal regulation8) is also permissible, based on a risk assessment for specific activities on electrical equipment carried out by a legal or an entrepreneurial natural person for whom these activities are performed,

4. professional experience in length, according to field and level of education, level of risk and activities performed on electrical equipment,

5. successful passing of the examination on the professional competence of a natural person to perform the activities of persons performing maintenance and work on electrical equipment without voltage, near live electrical equipment and on electrical equipment under voltage (hereinafter referred to as the "examination of professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering" ),

b) is the holder of a certificate of successful completion of the examination of professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering; the document according to the first sentence is valid for 3 years from the date of issue and is obtained by passing an exam after appropriate training for the given professional activity. The training and the scope of the exam correspond to the scope of the required competence for the activities performed in electrical engineering. A person with knowledge of activity management is authorized to perform all activities as a person with knowledge of independent activity and design of reserved electrical equipment, which is not subject to authorization according to a special law.

c) passes the written and oral part of the examination on professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering. The test result according to the first sentence is graded as pass or fail. The oral part of the exam can only be taken if the written part has been graded pass. In each part of the exam, the applicant must achieve at least 80% of the correct answers for a pass grade. The chairman of the committee is responsible for the conduct of the tests and the correctness of the issued certificate of successful completion of the examination for professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering. A document will be issued on the course and result of the examination of professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering according to letter b), one copy of which belongs to the person examined and one copy to the legal entity or natural person doing business for whom the activities are performed. If the applicant for the examination of professional competence for the performance of activities in electrical engineering is assessed as failing overall, he can repeatedly appear for the examination for professional competence for the performance of activities in electrical engineering, but not earlier than 15 days after the unsuccessful completion of the exam. There is no limit to the number of repetitions of the examination for professional competence to perform activities in electrical engineering.

(3) Person instructed

a) is required to meet the following prerequisites for professional competence:

1. full autonomy,

2. medical fitness for the activities performed,

3. instruction and verification of knowledge by an authorized knowledgeable person,

b) is the holder of a document on the execution of instruction and verification of knowledge to the extent of the person being instructed. Evidence of instruction and verification of knowledge to the extent of the instructed person is a record signed by the instructed person together with the knowledgeable person who performed the instruction and knowledge verification. The registration will also specify a period of no longer than 3 years, during which the instruction and verification of knowledge must be repeated. The deadline will be determined by the knowledgeable person who conducted the instruction and knowledge verification. Knowledge verification is graded as pass or fail, for a pass it is necessary to achieve 80% of correct answers during knowledge verification. Knowledge verification and the correctness of the issued record is the responsibility of the knowledgeable person who conducted the instruction and knowledge verification.

(4) Examinations for professional competence, instruction and knowledge verification for the performance of activities in electrical engineering are provided by legal entities or natural persons running businesses for natural persons who perform service and work for them on electrical equipment without voltage, near electrical equipment under voltage and on electrical equipment devices under voltage. Self-employed persons are obliged to arrange professional competence examinations for themselves. If the professional competence test is provided by an external legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the latter must have as its business the provision of training and testing or verification of knowledge. Natural persons performing the examination must meet the professional qualification according to this law and the relevant implementing regulation.

B. § 1833 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. (Civil Code)

The consumer is liable to the entrepreneur only for the reduction in the value of the goods, which occurred as a result of handling the goods in a different way than it is necessary to handle them with regard to their nature and characteristics. This does not apply if the entrepreneur has not communicated the information to the consumer in accordance with the provisions of Section 1820 paragraph 1 letter F.